green glaze meaning in English
- Green glazed hard pottery stem cup
青釉硬陶豆 - Cucumber green glaze
瓜皮绿釉 - The main structure in the circular city has a square platform in front and a roof of several tiers of flying eaves . the roof is covered with glazed yellow tiles and edged with green glazed tiles
其平面为十字形,前后有方形月台,正中为重檐大殿,殿四面均有单檐卷棚式抱厦,顶覆黄琉璃瓦绿剪边,飞檐翘角,宏丽轩昂。 - The 1 year construction duration of this magnificent monument even marks the record . the site occupies 18129 square metres , and the hall itself take 13583 square metres . the hall is based on imperial style , and the roof is covered by green glazed glass tiles
楼之正前方广场,矗立一座伟岸挺拔的牌楼,正面镌刻国父墨迹天下为公,背面为大道之行,运笔遒逸洒脱,衬以大门前苍松翠柏及石狮,自然形成一片肃穆宁静气氛。 - The architectural characteristics of the building are rather unique . it is designed in art deco style and rendered with shanghai plaster , and has a green glazed chinese tiled hipped roof decorated with dragon shaped ornaments at four corners , representing a harmonious blend of chinese and western styles